Ethics and Explanation

February 22, 2016 - February 23, 2016
Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham
Nottingham NG72RD
United Kingdom

View the Call For Papers


  • AHRC


Sophie Grace Chappell
Open University (UK)
Julia Driver
Washington University in St. Louis
University of Southern California
Daniel Fogal
Uppsala University
Jason Kawall
Colgate University
Eden Lin
Rutgers University
Andrei Nasta
Institute of Philosophy, UK
Irina Schumski
University of Warwick
Maria Serban
CPNSS LSE and University of Copenhagen
Daniel Singer
University of Pennsylvania
Yale-NUS College


Uri Leibowitz
University of Nottingham
Neil Sinclair
University of Nottingham

Talks at this conference

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Some photos from the event are available here:


If you are planning to attend, we would be grateful if you please register by using the following link (for catering purposes): 

registration is free and only takes a few minutes. Many thanks!

Locations of talks are listed on the programme, which you can download below. 

On-sight registration (9:30) and first session (10:00) on 22/2 are in Room A11 Highfield House (number 10 on the campus map which you can download below)

All other sessions are in the Humanities Building (number 55 on the campus map)

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me ([email protected])

The third Ethics and Explanation Conference will be held at the University of Nottingham on 22-23 February, 2016. This conference is a part of the ongoing AHRC funded Ethics and Explanation Research Project. Details of the project and previous project-related events can be found here:

Anyone with interest in attending the workshop is invited to submit a short note (to [email protected]) indicating her/his interest in commenting on a paper or chairing a session

We'd be very grateful were you to distribute this information to colleagues and graduate students who might be interested in this event.

Talk titles:

Sophie-Grace Chappell (Open University, UK) - “Because”

Daniel J. Singer (University of Pennsylvania) - “Normative and Scientific Explanation”

Irina Schumski (Warwick, UK) - “The Particularist Challenge to Kantian Ethics - An Explanatory Trilemma”

Daniel Fogal (Uppsala, Sweden) - “Normative and Metaphysical Explanation”

Julia Driver (Washington University in St. Louis) - "Wronging, Blame and Forgiveness"

Robin Zheng (Cambridge/Yale-NUS Singapore) - “Responsibility, Causality, and Social Inequality”

Jason Kawall (Colgate, USA) - “On the Explanation of Right Action in Virtue Ethics”

Maria Serban & Andrei Nasta (CPNSS LSE and University of Copenhagen/Institute of Philosophy) - “Moral Understanding and Narrative Explanation”

Eden Lin (Rutgers, USA) - “Enumeration and Explanation in Theories of Welfare”

Stephen Finlay (University of Southern California) - "A Good Explanation of Some Puzzles about Reasons?"

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February 19, 2016, 7:00am BST

External Site

Who is attending?

3 people are attending:

Nottingham University
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
and 1 more.

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